IECO Summer School 2023

International Summer School on Eco-Industrial Development

Universidad de Concepción, Chile

18 November – 25 November 2023

The virtual Institute of Eco-Industrial Development (IECO) invites you to its second summer school, hosted by the Universidad de Concepción in Chile.

IECO is a multilateral institute for the study, research and innovation in the fields of industrial ecology and circular economy in Germany and Chile. Its interdisciplinary topics range from bioeconomy and circular economy to geothermal energy and sustainable land use. Several of those topics will be covered during the summer school. Please find more information about IECO and Eco-Industrial Development on the IECO website.

The Summer School is aimed at advanced students (Master and PhD), particularly those who are enrolled at one of the IECO partner universities (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de Concepción, and Universidad de Chile) and who are interested in implementing sustainable ideas in the development of industry, urban landscapes and rural areas.
Interested students from other universities are also welcome to apply.

The IECO Summer School is funded by the DAAD.

What is Eco-Industrial Development?

Improving sustainability of industrial activities is currently a major challenge. The approach of Eco-Industrial Development (EID) aims to increase sustainability in the entire industrial system by treating industrial parks as ecosystems, where companies are considered species that co-exist in ecosystems by exchanging substances and energy (industrial symbiosis). That way inter-company opportunities to reduce waste, re-use waste heat and lower the net energy consumption can be exploited. Based on this principle, industrial and urban systems can also be interlinked to achieve similar benefits. Please find more about EID and its connection to Circular Economy on the IECO Website.

About the Summer School

The Summer School addresses different elements of the entire research cycle, from basic research to innovation management and technology transfer to industry. Through lectures and workshops, theory and practice are combined and supplemented by field trips and excursions to industrial locations and start-ups in EID, so that students learn and experience the basic theory and application perspectives for each of the topics in one day.

Several EID topics will be addressed during the multidisciplinary event, such as sustainable use in biomass, sustainable land use, water-energy nexus use, and urban industrial development, taught by scienti­fic experts from Chile and Germany.

The program of the Summer School will be complemented by cultural and social events, contributing to German-Chilean friendship.

The entire program will be held in English.

  • Enrollment as Master or PhD student
  • Good command of English (All lectures and workshops will be held in English)
  • Interest in Chilean-German friendship and culture

Students are expected to have a notion of EID Topics or Circular Economy and will be asked to indicate how their studies or experience relate to EID in their application.

There is no registration fee for the participants. However, students are required to cover their travel and accommodation fees (contact your university’s student mobility services for potential ­financial support).

How to apply

Spots in the Summer School are limited to 20 participants. Therefore, there will be a selection process based on the documents you have submitted.

Please send the following documents in English to ieco∂

  • Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages) including the following information: date of birth, university you are currently enrolled in, fi­eld of study, study level, aspired degree

Apply now for your spot in the Summer School!


Any questions regarding the IECO Summer School?

Feel free to contact Irma Mantilla (organizer of the Summer School): irma mantilla∂kit edu

Excursion to Start-up company...
...producing biofertilizer from beer brewing residues
Visit of a waste water experimental plant
classroom teaching
Classroom teaching
students working
Student group work

IECO Summer School 2023 - Program

18/11/2023 (Saturday) Day 1

All Day

Evening Session

Innovation Day: Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Pitch Training

Welcome Dinner

19/11/2023 (Sunday) Day 2

All Day    

Evening Session

Excursion to Coronel (Extractive territories and sacrifice zones)

Film night “Germany Today”

20/11/2023 (Monday) Day 3

Morning session

Afternoon session

Evening session

Lecture & Workshop: Contested extractive territories – Social aspects and critical discourses

Visit of the Technological Development Unit (UDT) at UdeC

German Night – Getting to know Germany

21/11/2023 (Tuesday) Day 4

Morning session

Afternoon session

Evening session

Lecture & Workshop: Introduction to water-energy nexus

Visit of Essbio Company (Wastewater treatment plant)

Overview on German Start-up eco-system

22/11/2023 (Wednesday) Day 5

Morning session

Afternoon session

Evening session

Lecture & Workshop: Urban circularity and eco-industrial transition in South-America

Student Group Work: Urban waste as building and insulation material

Free evening

23/11/2023 (Thursday) Day 6

Morning session

Afternoon session

Evening session

Lecture & Workshop: Circular economy strategies and technologies – European and Latin American perspectives

Excursion related to circular economy strategies

Presentation of the German university landscape and DAAD programs

24/11/2023 (Friday) Day 7

Morning session

Afternoon session

Evening session

Lecture & Workshop: Sustainable land use – A critical look on the forest industry

Field Trip to Reserva Nacional Nonguén

Startup Bites: Pitching event for the best Start-Up idea

25/11/2023 (Saturday) Day 8

Morning session

Summary, Wrap up IECO, Feedback

The lecturers are from the four IECO universities: KIT, UACh, UdeC, UCHILE.
The program is subject to change. Please consult the Summer School website regularly for updates.